Creating a CV for an unplanned career change
There could be many reasons you may need to change your career, especially at this time. It should not be a dauntingprocess and should be used as an opportunity to learn new things and have new experiences. The first step on this journey is to create a CV, here are some tips to help with creating your new CV.

1. Use the job description to tailor your application
Using the job description for the roles you want to apply for will give you an indication of what they will be looking for and you will be able to see how your previous roles and experiences could be a benefit to this new role. Highlighting these with keywords and a skills list so any employer can see them easily and that you are a good fit for the role.
2. Identify your transferable skills
Listing the skills you have and how they can apply to more than just the field you used to work in, will show any potential employer that you have skills that will add and benefit their business. Good examples of this are skills like customer service, organisation and communication. They are great skills to have for any job role and what employers will be looking for.

3. Be honest
There is nothing wrong to want to change careers or having to make a change, no matter what stage you are in your career. You may have been made redundant through no fault of your own or you may think it’s the best time for you to pursue the career of your dreams. Whatever your situation maybe, it is ok to be honest and upfront about it. Just remember, never lie about why your are making a career change as this could backfire on you at a later date.
4. Turn to your Network
On top of applying for roles and contacting recruiters, don’t forget to tap into your existing network. Change your profiles to show you are looking for new opportunities and reach out to old colleagues and managers to see if they have roles. You don’t always need to directly ask them for work, but you can drop them a message or comment to strike up a conversation, where you can make them aware of your situation.

5. Enroll on a course
If you are needing to make a career change you may find that you don’t have all the skills you need to target and land the jobs you are applying for. Having a look at job roles and highlighting the key skills that you need and enrolling on to a course will help you fill that skill gap. It will also show employers that you are able to reskill and can adapt to new situations.
At Free2learn, we are here to help anyone looking to gain skills in key industries to get back into the workforce. We also support you with wellbeing and employability workshops to give you skills that you can draw upon in the future. Go to: to find a course that will bring you closer to your new career.