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Our Courses:
Business Administration, CCTV, Close Protection, Construction,
Digtial skills, Fabrication and Welding, Functional Skills, Security,
Understanding Business Improvement Techniques, Warehouse
Shaun faced a very important dilemma: either repeat his usual lifestyle and way of living or changing the course of his life once and for all. Having completed his course at Free2Learn, Shaun can now dream for the future. Today, he works the night-shifts at Sainsbury’s and, once he receives his licence, he will move to a forklifting position with much more responsibility.
Do you know someone who wants to learn
new skills and gain knowledge to join the
fastest growing industries? Then our courses
are just for them! We provide training that
focuses on real-world skills to help you get
back into work and go for new
Learn more about the companies we
work with and the organisations that
help provide our courses