How to get a job with no experience
Whether you are starting your career or changing careers, it can feel as though you are in a catch 22 situation; You can’t get hired because you don’t have the experience, but you can’t get the experience without being hired. With greater experience on delivering qualifications in many sectors, here is the ultimate guide on how to get a job with no experience.

Staying strong and persevering at this stage is very important. Very few people are in the position to unpaid internships or volunteer work for months on end, just to get some experience. Instead, many people are forced to look for temporary roles in other fields, just to make ends meet. So, what can you do to get the job you’re looking for? Luck will be a part and personal connects can be valuable, but what else can you do?
- Target realistic roles
If you don’t have the experience, start with entry level and junior roles, then work your way up. There’s no shame in targeting them and it is a good place to start learning and developing your knowledge of the role. This will mean, as you work your way up, you will have that background to help you.
- Send out speculative applications
Sending out applications and not hearing back? Try going straight to the employer that you want to work for. Sending them a speculative application can be a good bypass to get passed a recruiter and get your CV seen and on top of the pile. Even if you don’t have the right experience, showcasing what skills you do have effectively, you can create a positive first impression.
- Emphasise the skills you do have
Don’t worry about what you don’t have, emphasise what you do! Focus your CV and applications on what makes you look perfect for the role. Soft skills like communication, team work and attention to detail are transferrable skills and can be used in any roles. Demonstrate your passion and motivation to learn new skills. Also, double check roles before ruling them out completely. You may not have done the exact task before but you may have done something similar too it. Draw links between the relevant experiences you have had and what is being asked for and include it in your application.

- Look for internships, work experience and volunteering opportunities
Some industries are more competitive than others, so even getting that entry level job without experience can be challenging. Volunteering, work experience or freelancing are great ways to gain first-hand experience of the role or organisation and it will help build up your contacts too.
- Search for jobs with no experience needed
There can be many positions in most industries and sectors where previous experience is not needed. Searching on the internet and job sites will bring up the role that are available at the moment. This can include office administrators to support works and data analysts.
- Develop your networks
It might not sit right with you but the idea of who you know potentially being more important than what you might know is a reality. Recommendations from a personal contact can go along way. Employers are more likely to overlook gaps in your experience if you are recommended by someone they know and trust. Also, attending career fairs, networking events and contacting people who work in your chosen industry, can be great to build connections and find new ways into a role.
If you are looking to get extra skills to help with starting, progressing your career or changing careers look no further. Free2Learn has a range of courses to help boost your skills and knowledge that employers are looking for. We can also help with transferable skills, employability and your wellness. Go to: to find your course and make it happen!