Direction for Bedfordshire: Here to Help Offenders, Families and Friends
Direction for Bedfordshire is a signposting, support, and advice service for the vulnerable, the marginalised, their families and the professionals working with them, including working with people with offending histories.
The organisation works to connect individuals in Bedfordshire with the services they need to help them deal with any issues they may have. Direction’s interventions are centered around opening conversations with individuals about pathway needs in their lives that could support their rehabilitation and reduce reoffending. When working directly with clients, the staff aims to inspire and empower them to engage with services that can understand their specific needs. These same resources can be used for individuals who have not officially been through the Criminal Justice System, but their lifestyle or circumstances may make them vulnerable to criminality – Direction can start these engagements early on to prevent this from becoming a reality.
Visit Direction’s website and experience first hand their online directory which can be found at This is a useful self-help tool to search all the different services available in Bedfordshire across various different pathway needs.
For more complex cases, please call for free at 0800 917 5579 or email where you can contact dedicated staff members who have the knowledge and capacity to deal with your query.
Direction for Bedfordshire also works to enhance partnership working in Bedfordshire and deliver Digital Networking Forums as a response to COVID-19 to bring different organisations and professionals together to stay connected. Free2Learn works collaboratively with Directions to support individuals in Bedfordshire get the skills needed to succeed in their professional life and build a bright and promising future. Kick-start your career no, find a course today.