Kick start your Career with new Scheme!
With the government announcing a new scheme to help 19 -24 year old into work, what can be done to help get our economy up and running again?

The new Kick Start scheme will aim to help create employment opportunities for 16 to 24 year olds who are currently claiming Universal Credit or at a risk of long term unemployment. Studies have shown that 24% of this group have been furlough due to Covid-19, where as 9% have lost their jobs entirely, with a further 2% saw their hours or wages cut. Compared to just over 20% of all adults aged 18 to 65 who only made up 15% of the furloughed work force.
“Young people bear the brunt of most economic crises, but they are at particular risk this time because they work in the sectors disproportionately hit by the pandemic.
“We also know that youth unemployment has a long-term impact on jobs and wages and we don’t want to see that happen to this generation.
“So we’ve got a bold plan to protect, support and create jobs – a Plan for Jobs.” – Rishi Sunak
Sunak’s bold plan is to invest £2bn into a new Kick Start Scheme. Employers will be given the opportunity to help people in this age group get back into work. With the governments help they will be able to fund people’s wages for up to 100% of the National Minimum Wage for 25 hours of work, for a full 6 months. This is so that employers create new jobs for any 16 to 24-year-old that needs one. Sunak has also announced plans to help pay companies £1,000 for taking on trainees, with grants to help provide work experience placements, education, and work preparation. There will also be a further £100m to create places on Level 2 and 3 training courses, with £17m planned to tripe numbers of available places in sector-based work academies. Sunak has plans for apprenticeships too, setting out £2,000 for every young apprentice under 25 a company hires. With £1,500 for hiring young apprentice within education, health and care sectors. Careers advice will also see an improvement with places like the National Careers Service having more advisers on hand. Helping to provide bespoke guidance to people looking for their new job.

There are two key sectors that will be boosted to help bring new jobs – having ‘green’ jobs and the Tourism and Hospitality industries. They will be creating tens of thousands of jobs by bringing forward work on new infrastructure, decarbonisation, and maintenance projects in green industries. There will be a green investment package to support 140,000 green jobs and upgrades to buildings to reduce their emissions. Home owns will be subsidised for green improvements such as loft, wall, and floor insulation, saving them money but also creating thousands of jobs for tradespeople at the same time. The Tourism and Hospitality industries have been the most effected by Covid-19 with necessary closures to protect our health. About 80% of firms had to stop trading with 1.4 million works furloughed. That is why we are now being encouraged to eat out, with the new scheme to provide 50% reduction for sit down meals across the country. With bars, cafes, restaurants, and hotels bring life back to our towns and cities. Employing or bringing back over 2 million works who are disproportionately younger, women and people of the BLM communities. Groups that all been hardest hit by the effects of the pandemic.

This is all well and good but what do people of this age group really think?
Most people are still worried about the uncertainty of the pandemic. We do not know yet if there will be second lockdowns or spikes, so even if you managed to find a job there is still that risk of losing it again. People are seeing their friends and family members being made redundant over the past three or four months, which some companies will not be able to recover from. On top of this the furloughed or redundant young professional have to compete against graduates for the same roles. Companies are hiring people with the right experience and skills for their roles. So, making sure you have what people are looking for is going to be key. At Free2learn, we provide people with the skill, experience, and knowledge to make you standout. We not only help you get your qualification but also support you with finding employment and preparing you from the workplace. Go to: to find your next career path and achieve your potential