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Our teaching team are all professionals, providing our learners with the best skills. Using their own knowledge from their industry experiences. They are teaching students current technologies, practices and maintaining an up-to-date curriculum.
Our learners retain access to our vast community of staff, learners and alumni that they can go to for support.
Learners also retain access to our comprehensive learning materials, bringing additional knowledge to your organisation.
We want our students to find employment quickly.
Our dedicated team works closely with employers and organisations with recruitment, helping them to find the right candidate for the job. Our employability team is here to support and guide learners. Finding jobs suitable to their skills, attribute and personality.
Find your next great hire with our newly graduated learners.
Contact our team today.
“The Customer Service SWAP with Free2Learn and Hackney JCP has been hugely successful for Thames Water. Hackney JCP and Free2Learn took the time to understand what behaviours and characteristics we were looking for our Customer Service Advisors. We had access to a massive pool of untapped & diverse talent that we have never had before. I am proud that we have helped members from our community serve meaningful careers within Thames Water. This wouldn’t been possible without the team at Free2Learn and Hackney ICP”.