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Many people are interested in entering the fabrication and welding industry but lack the skills required. This fast-track course will give you the soft skills and entry level practical welding skills required to gain a semi-skilled position within the industry. You will learn about health and safety, joining Materials and metal and gas welding. This is a perfect course for someone starting your career in welding or need the qualifications to progress further. You will have access to state-of-the-art welding bays and multi process machinery with our partners BetterWeld at the largest and best technical training centre in London. Our tutors are leading experts with coded welding backgrounds with the skill set to train you in all sectors of welding and for all abilities. You must be referred by a Job Centre work coach You must be 19 or older You must be claiming State Benefits (JSA, ESA, Income support or Universal Credit) or on a low income. We will carry out Initial Assessment to ensure you are on the right programme and level. LONDON QUALIFICATIONS
Level 1 Personal Development and employability
Level 1 Maths
Level 1 Introduction to Metal and Gas Welding