Boost your Job Confidence while Job searching
It can be hard sometimes when job searching to maintain your confidence and keep going with applications. In the UK, a record number of people are currently looking for new opportunities, resulting in more people becoming unsuccessful. For some people, experiencing several unsuccessful job applications can chip away at your self-confidence and self-esteem. With so many people competing for jobs and roles at the current time how can you rebuild your job searching confidence?

Look at things objectively
Reflecting on yourself and your added value, objectively, will help you see the true matter of facts. Getting the view point of your background and skills from a neutral person can really help you pinpoint the differences between your own interpretation and the facts. Our self-esteem is subjective and can be distorted, not letting us see our strengths. Having clear feedback can help make better judgements on the situation.
Take action
The longer we wait to do something the larger and greater our fear of doing it becomes. Spending long hours browsing job sites, feeling disillusioned and miserable is no good for anyone’s morale. Simply getting thing going will raise your own awareness for your abilities to change your situation and future. Taking small steps regularly to gain a little confidence and pride, can start to make things happen. Setting yourself achievable goals these could be:
- Updating your CV and LinkedIn
- Making connection with other professionals
- Reconnect with former colleagues
- Researching training courses that could help you learn new skills or enhance your current ones
Any and all actions that provide results, however small, can allow you to regain your confidence again.
Set personal projects
Having activities away from work that make you feel positive and centred can increase your self-esteem and confidence. Don’t feel guilty about going for a run while others begin a day of work. Playing sport, being creative, getting involved in social activities or even doing odd jobs can keep your spirits up. Volunteering or helping other can be a great way to remind you of your value.

Stay open to support and socialising
It is important to take care of yourself while job searching. Becoming isolated might save you from critical gaze but it does deprive you of the potential of good feedback. Having positive relationships and spending time with friends can allow you to focus on your worth. Talking to people in the same situation can help you know that you’re all in the same boat and you could build a network of support and see the value others see in yourself. You also can’t spend all day looking for jobs, enjoying time with family and friends whenever its possible. It will boost your mood and see things in a different light.
Building confidence while job searching will help keep you motivated and achieve your goals. Even though it can bring up fear and fragilities to the surface. Staying busy and keeping in touch with others will help keep away any negative thoughts. Taking care of yourself is especially import during job searching and will boost your job searching confidence. The road to getting a new job is not always a smooth one but making the tools to help get you to the end will help.
At Free2Learn, if you find that upskilling or reskilling is going to help boost and build your confidence. We have courses in a wide range of industries to help you achieve your goals and get the skills and knowledge to get back into work. Go to: and make it happen int 2021! Â