Lost your job because of Covid?
Here are some tips to help get you back on track.

- Realise you are grieving
Losing a job can be just like when someone passes or breaks up with you. Your mind and body will take time to process what has just happened and the new circumstances you are now in. Your emotions could range from denial, anger, sadness, to depression for some. There may be no reason to how you’re feeling but giving yourself time to process it and not being afraid to feel, will help.
- Try not to blame yourself
Most of the time the reason why the job has been cut is completely out of our control or personal doing. Especially at this current time. Try not to play the blame game.
- Use it as an opportunity
While losing your job can be a big emotional strain, it can be a time to seize the opportunity to start afresh. Â You can ask key questions about your next steps and whether you may what to do something different going forward. You could start planning your dream job or business. Learn new skills that gets you the future you want. Upskill or reskill in areas that interest you.

- Know your action plan
Having an action plan will help you set goals and plan for the future. There are two different ways to think about it; getting any job to pay the bills and look for your dream job or hold out for what you are really looking for. Making sure your clear on which on you are going to follow is key. Trying to do both may result in feeling all over the place.Â
- Find a recruiter to take you on
It is tough right now but the jobs market isn’t impossible. It can be tough out there because of the current climate but also because of CV’s being picked by algorithms and key words. Sometimes it will feel like you are sending your CV off into the ether and getting nothing back. The answer? If you can find a recruiter in your industry that can be a spokes person for you and be a point of contact. It will help with you staying in contact with someone and it is good to get feedback or to talk about your experience. Don’t be afraid to approach people directly or message people on LinkedIn.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Everyone has different ways of dealing with losing their job. Some may need to talk things through, others value their space and want to work things out alone. Let people around you know what you need and when. This way they will be able to support you in the way you want and need.
If you have lost your job or want to upskill or reskill to get the future you want. Free2Learn has a wide range of courses to help you get back into the workplace. Go to: https://free2learn.org.uk/courses/ to see what will inspire you to kick start your career.